Completed -
Changes applied and everthing looks normal.
Nov 26, 03:53 CET
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Nov 26, 03:00 CET
Scheduled -
A range of updates are being applied, including
* Security updates of third-party dependencies
* Security patching
* Internal logging and monitoring updates
* Bug fixes, including problem with PAR requests using idp_values parameter.
* Support for Signaturgruppen Broker Service Provider SSO/SLO (still in closed testing)
We do not expect any interruptions or downtime. However, users in the middle of a login process might experience unexpected errors and will have to try to login again, we expect the total number possible affected users to be very few.
The update is targeted at 03:00 in order to minimize impact for users in the middle of a login flow.
Nov 25, 14:44 CET